Walk ALS Long Island

Smitty's Angels To Rock Out ALS

Welcome to our team page!

This year we walk in memory of my brother, Ed Smith. Ed passed away in June. He was a tough ALS warrior who, from his first symptoms to his death, lived with ALS for 14 years. The normal life expectancy of a person with ALS averages 2 to 5 years from time of diagnosis.  Ed always said he fought so hard so he could see his children grow and see them graduate from high school. Unfortunately, he missed his daughter's graduation by 2 weeks. His fortitude in fighting ALS is still an inspiration to all who knew him. 
He started the ALS Walk Team, Smitty's Angels To Rock Out ALS, to raise money and awareness so no other people and families will have to go through what he and his family did. This year we honor him and his grit and bravery by walking again.

Being a part of ALS United Greater New York’s WALK ALS is the number one way to unite and fundraise for those living with ALS. Please consider supporting my efforts by donating through my fundraising page.

Please feel free to send this page to any friend or family member who might be interested in donating!

Thank you for your support!!

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