Walk ALS Hudson Valley

The Wright Way

The Wright Way team has returned to ALS United's annual beautiful fall fund raising walk! After a two year hiatus due to my, Beth Wright, need to get a tracheostomy in August of 2022, I am back and ready to head up my team as we walk across the Hudson River in an effort to eradicate this horrible disease!

I have participated in this walk since 2013 when I was diagnosed with ALS and have chronicled my journey over the years. Today I reside in a rehab facility in Flushing, NY due to my need of a ventilator 24/7 and the amount of daily care that it entails. I am fortunate to have a private room and 'eye gaze' technology that allows me to use a tablet to access the Internet independently and gives me a kind of freedom I have not had in a very long time. Although I am very fortunate in many ways, make no mistake that this is a very difficult disease. Not only It is unimaginably hard to have ALS, it also takes a tremendous emotional and physical toll on family and friends.

For those not familiar with ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), it is a progressive, fatal neuromuscular disease that slowly robs the body of its ability to walk, speak, swallow and breathe. The life expectancy of a person with ALS averages 2 to 5 years from the time of diagnosis. ALS can strike anyone regardless of age, gender, nationality, or ethnicity, although it is primarily an adult-onset disease. Currently there is no known cause of the disease, yet it still costs loved ones an average of $250,000 a year to provide the care people living with ALS and their families need.

This is the 10 year anniversary of the Ice Bucket Challenge that Pat Quinn started. The Ice Bucket Challenge made the public around the world aware of the disease and generated enough funding to get the fight to eliminate ALS well on it's way. The funds raised today will continue Pat's challenge by supporting people in our local community with ALS and spreading awareness. Pat Quinn was a hero, he was my hero, and I am proud to be a part of this Walk in memory of him.

Please join my team and help us move a cure for ALS over the finish line by donating today. Your donation will help fund resources and to the local ALS community and help find new ALS treatments. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those affected by ALS.

Please feel free to send this page to any friend or family member who might be interested in donating!

Thank you very much!

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