Walk ALS Hudson Valley

Team Sandman

In honor of our upcoming birthdays this month, Sandy, Sage and I are participating in the ALS United Greater New York Walk - Hudson Valley on Sunday, October 20th and we are thrilled to be doing this on The Walkway over the Hudson, the world’s longest elevated pedestrian bridge, overlooking the scenic fall foliage in the Hudson Valley.

The average survival of an individual with is ALS is 2-5 years. Sandy was diagnosed in 2018 at the age of 44 and became a quadriplegic on a feeding tube and ventilator by 2020, requiring 24/7 round the clock care. As Sandy approaches his 51st birthday this October 17th and beyond the average life expectancy, it is a reminder of how grateful we are for his presence and to enjoy life meaningfully and purposefully with the people around you.

There is still so much need for support and advocacy needed in the ALS community. We will continue to fight this until ALS becomes a curable disease.

Thank you for visiting our page and considering to either join TEAM SANDMAN on this walk or choose a team member from the list and support ALS United Greater New York

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