My Personal Walk ALS Page

Thank you for visiting my fundraising page. I’m walking in memory of my father, Daniel Magee, who passed away in 2011 from ALS. Anything you can give would be greatly appreciated, or join Team Magee and come walk with us.
Your donation today will help fund resources and services to the local ALS community, help find new ALS treatments, and move us closer to a world without the disease.
Please feel free to send this page to any friend or family member who might be interested in donating!
Thank you.

Raised $100
Raised the amount of money defined for this milestone

I Made a Difference!
I supported this event with a personal donation.
Personal Progress:
of Goal
Fundraising Honor Roll
Frank Sweeney
Kristine Fulco
Dorothy E Taylor
Mr. Sean Magee
Facebook Fundraiser
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