Why I Walk
As you all know, both my Aunt Brenda and my Grandma died from this horrible disease. ANY amount helps!
You know how you walk into CVS only wanting to buy shampoo, but then you walk out with eight random stupid things totaling waaaaay more than what you wanted to spend? Don't do that this week. Donate to finding a cure for ALS.
Almost all of you have had the delicious cookies that I make for every holiday. It was my Grandma’s recipe. When she died, my Aunt Brenda made them. And when my Aunt died, I started to make them. Both of these wonderful women were taken away from my family too soon by ALS. It is a horrible disease that is finally getting some awareness. I know many people who thought the Ice Bucket Challenge was ridiculous, but it raised millions of dollars and now when I tell people about this disease, they know what it is.
I’m the woman I am today partly because of my Aunt. She always gave us presents, no matter what holiday it was. Even Halloween or the 4th of July. She was very caring and full of passion for the people she loved. I got that from her. I never met my Grandma. She died before I was born, but I hear she was very similar. Always giving. Always caring.
This is a terrible, terrible disease that runs in my family. That means that my siblings, cousins, myself, and future children can have this disease. It is a horribly debilitating, always deadly disease. Help us #strikeoutALS.
Please donate anything you can. Any amount is greatly appreciated.

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