Dani's Personal Walk ALS Page
Smile Loudly!
On April 11, 2024, I was diagnosed with Bulbar ALS. ALS is a progressive, fatal neuromuscular disease that slowly robs the body of its ability to walk, speak, swallow and breathe. The life expectancy of a person with ALS averages 2 to 5 years from the time of diagnosis. Currently there is no known cause or cure.
That said, life has its silver linings. I am the recipient of so much love, kindness and support from family and friends. So many peoplehave stepped up to encourage me and cheer me on. I feel an enormous sense of gratitude. Although I can no longer speak, I am still me.
My team, Dani's Defenders, is walking at Manhattanville University in Purchase NY on Saturday May 31st. I hope you can join us in person or in spirit. (Click on Dani's Defenders at the top of the page to join my team.)
Last October, over 100 friends and family members joined me on the walk, and hundreds more in spirit. It was joyous to feel the love and support from so many. Let's do it again!
I am raising funds to support an amazing organization, ALS United Greater New York. Eileen Margenat and Nancy Brenner are a phone call away. It is people like them who humanize the experience of this awful disease.
Your donation today will help fund resources and services to the local ALS community, help find new ALS treatments, and move us closer to a world without the disease.
Please feel free to share this page with any friend or family member who might be interested in donating!
Dani Glaser

$100 Raised
Raised the amount of money defined for this milestone

I Made a Difference!
I supported this event with a personal donation.
Personal Progress:
of Goal
Fundraising Honor Roll
Marsha Gordon
Dani Glaser
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