Doing it for my Mom
16 years ago, we lost my Mom to ALS. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't miss her spirit, smile, advice, hugs, love, and her chicken parm.
She was always there for me. There wasn't anything that she wouldn't provide for me if I needed it...she would always say, "If you love it, you can have it." Well there is one thing she couldn't give me and that was more time with her. I would have loved for her to meet my kids - Delilah and Max.
Help us give more time to families that are fighting against ALS. Our team "Doing it For Debby" has been fighting against this disease for close to 20 years and has raised over a quarter million dollars. We haven't found a cure yet, but we have helped fund drugs that have slowed the progression of the disease and provided equipment and services to make life a little more enjoyable for the entire family.
If you are able to donate - anything is appreciated - if not, please share the word about this fundraiser.
Thank you for visiting my fundraising page. I'm participating in ALS United Greater New York’s Walk ALS to raise funds that will support individuals and families affected by ALS.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive, fatal neuromuscular disease that slowly robs the body of its ability to walk, speak, swallow and breathe. The life expectancy of a person with ALS averages 2 to 5 years from the time of diagnosis. ALS can strike anyone regardless of age, gender, nationality, or ethnicity, although it is primarily an adult-onset disease. Currently there is no known cause or cure.
Being a part of ALS United Greater New York’s WALK ALS is the number one way to unite and fundraise for those living with ALS. Please consider supporting my efforts by donating through my fundraising page.
Your donation today will help fund resources and services to the local ALS community, help find new ALS treatments, and move us closer to a world without the disease.
Please feel free to send this page to any friend or family member who might be interested in donating!
Thank you.
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